
MDI Solutions has been contracted to develop a laboratory interface between the Children’s Hospital of Eastern Ontario (CHEO) Epic HIS in Ottawa and the Ontario Laboratories Information System (OLIS); using their integration engine, MD Link™. MD Link is currently installed at CHEO and manages the...

MDI Solutions has signed agreements with SAIC and 314e to provide training for all proficiency levels on the Infor Cloverleaf® integration engine. As a certified Infor Cloverleaf Integration Suite Reseller partner, MDI Solutions specializes in providing expert Development, Support and Training services. SAIC and 314e...

Sunnybrook Health Sciences Centre in Toronto, Ontario has chosen MDI Solutions for 24 X 7 on-call support for all production interfaces of the Sybase e-Biz Impact interface engine. ...

MDI Solutions have reached a milestone in the development of their MD Link Integration Engine software.  Along with the enhanced DICOM ‘plug-in’ adaptor, the MDI development team has built or enhanced a number of key features of MD Link over the last year, furthering its...

Trinity Mother Frances Hospitals and Clinics (TMFHC), Tyler, Texas has signed an agreement with MDI Solutions to provide interface development services and 24 x 7 remote monitoring and support for their Integration Engine. MDI Solutions is an Infor Cloverleaf® Integration Suite reseller partner.  Based on...

The MetroHealth System has extended its business relationship with MDI Solutions by selecting them to provide data integration analysts, project managers and Epic analysts. In September, 2012 MDI Solutions was awarded a services contract to develop and install interfaces on the Health Systems newly acquired...

MDI Solutions made a significant impact at the recent NHS Supply Chain PACS RIS conference exhibition at the University of Nottingham, UK where they showcased their PACS (Picture Archiving and Communication System) migration software and services. MDI met with many Radiology Managers and Vendors and...

Group Health Centre (GHC) in Sault Ste. Marie, Ontario has licensed the MD Link Integration Engine software from MDI Solutions to integrate its newly acquired Epic HIS with internal and external systems. GHC is in the process of discontinuing its current EHR physician software in...

St. Joseph’s Health Centre Guelph has selected the MD Link Integration Engine software from MDI Solutions to manage the growth in third party system interfacing. St. Joseph’s initially engaged MDI Solutions to connect their decision support software to their ADT system. Based on the success...

The Children’s Hospital of Eastern Ontario (CHEO) recently added new applications to their Epic installation; including clinicals and interfacing. As CHEO utilizes the MD Link integration engine to manage their overall integration environment and MDI Solutions’ technical resources provide development services and support for the...

Supply Point Systems acquired MDI Solutions’ integration engine, MD Link, to enable real-time interoperability between their drug dispensing cabinet system and hospital organizations. They are now set to deploy MD Link in a hospital trust to further enhance the efficiencies their solutions offers to healthcare....