
Sectra Ltd., Milton Keynes, United Kingdom, has contracted with MDI Solutions to provide migration services and software to support the migration of PACS data in Northern Ireland. Continuing with the contact award and implementation of their PACS software with NIPACS (the Northern Ireland PACS project),...

Aimsability Limited, Surrey, UK, deploys MDI Solutions’ MD Link™ integration engine to facilitate integration at two of its customer sites. Aimsability markets e-Learning software, WebAiMS, that combines RIS and PACS data to assist with clinical teaching and decision support activity. Aimsability will use MD Link...

Clinica Sierra Vista, Bakersfield, CA, has selected MDI Solutions’ MD Link™ software as their data integration solution, to connect internal and external systems. MD Link will be implemented at the Health Centers to connect a variety of essential software systems. The key driver for Sequoia...

MedManager Interactive Corporation, Kitchener, Ontario, has selected MDI Solutions’ MD Link integration engine to connect hospitals and clinics to their ASP based Chronic Disease Management software. MedManager approached MDI Solutions with a requirement to provide HL7 based connectivity to multiple contracted specialty clinics. MD Link...

MDI Solutions successfully completes a Word™ data conversion project with Sunquest Information Systems in the United Kingdom. MD Link was used to automatically convert Word based discharge summaries to HTML and embed the document in an HL7 message for transfer to Physician Office systems. Development...

Trillium Gift of Life Network, Toronto, Ontario, have contracted with MDI Solutions to provide their integration engine, MD Link, and associated data integration services. Trillium Gift of Life Network was created in December 2000 by the Ontario Government and assumed the role of Ontario's central...

Emerald Health Information Systems Ltd., Ottawa, Ontario, a long-standing MD Link vendor partner, will activate the newly developed security feature (Secure Sockets Layer - SSL) of MDI Solutions’ integration engine, MD Link™, to support their latest implementation. Emerald Health approached MDI Solutions in 2008 with...

Liberty Hospital, Liberty, Missouri, has contracted with MDI Solutions to implement their MD Eye™ enhanced interface monitoring application. Liberty Hospital recognized that their existing interface environment monitoring capabilities did not meet their needs. They approached MDI Solutions to review their MD Eye application and determined...

Medirex Systems, Toronto, Ontario, has extended their business relationship with MDI Solutions by contracting to install their MD Link™ integration engine. MDI Solutions provides Medirex with .NET programming expertise and technical resources to maintain point-to-point interfaces with their document management archive software. Medirex was looking...

North York General Hospital, Toronto, Ontario, has contracted with MDI Solutions to complete the data integration between their Cerner HIS and Powerscribe dictation system. MDI Solutions’ integration team was tasked with completing the complex data integration requirements for this project. MDI was required to design...