MD Eye™ enhanced interface monitoring application

MD Eye™ enhanced interface monitoring application

Liberty Hospital, Liberty, Missouri, has contracted with MDI Solutions to implement their MD Eye™ enhanced interface monitoring application.

Liberty Hospital recognized that their existing interface environment monitoring capabilities did not meet their needs. They approached MDI Solutions to review their MD Eye application and determined that it would significantly enhance their capability to manage their interface engine activity and overall integration environment. MD Eye will be used to proactively monitor the runtime status of all financial and clinical interfaces at Liberty Health, keeping watch over critical elements such as disk space usage, processor utilization, network connectivity, queue sizes, and more.

Liberty Hospital,, is a regional medical center serving Clay and Platte counties, as well as the northwest Missouri corridor all the way up to the Iowa border. Liberty Hospital has 285 licensed beds, more than 1,600 employees and nearly 350 physicians covering all specialties.